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Procesio SDK typescript

Minimal library for running Procesio processes

For a C# alternative, check out procesio-sdk-dotnet.

📦 Installation & Usage

You can use procesio-sdk-typescript as a <script> tag from a CDN, or install it from npm.


npm install --save @procesio/procesio-sdk-typescript
import ProcesioSDK from '@procesio/procesio-sdk-typescript';
const sdkInstance = new ProcesioSDK();


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/PROCESIO/procesio-sdk-typescript@main/build/index.js"></script>

const ProcesioSDK = window.ProcesioSDK.default;
const sdkInstance = new ProcesioSDK();


// Execute a process which sends an email with attachments and log the instance id.
const sdkInstance = new ProcesioSDK();

await sdkInstance.authorize('username', 'password');

.addEventListener("change", handleFileSelect, false);

function handleFileSelect(evt) {
const files = evt.target.files; // FileList object
const file = files[0];

* Running a process from PROCESIO is done in 3 different steps.
* The first step requires you to publish that process with all the
* needed inputs, defined when you created said process. This call will
* return an object from which you require 2 infos: instanceID (flows.id)
* and the variable list (flows.variables). Instance id is needed for both
* uploading a file and for launching the process. Variable list is
* needed for uploading the files.
* The second step, upload file, is optional and only needed for processes that
* have file inputs. To run this step you need the instanceID, the uploaded file,
* and to obtain from the variable list, the variable which contains the file.
* You will need the variable name and it's default value.
* The third steps launches the flow. This step should be run only after
* the files have been uploaded.
* The example below is made for a process with only one file. If you have more
* than one, you have to upload all the files before launching the flow.

// Step 1 - Publish the process with the required inputs
const publishReq = await sdkInstance.publish('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx', {to: "[email protected]", subject: "Process launched via SDK", attachments: {name: file.name}})

if (!publishReq.isError && publishReq.content.flows.isValid) {
// Obtain the file input variable
const fileVariable = publishReq.content.flows.variables.find((variable) => variable.name === "attachments");

// Step 2 - Upload the file associated to the the input variable
await sdkInstance.uploadFile(publishReq.content.flows.id, fileVariable.name, fileVariable.defaultValue.id, file)

// Step 3 - Launch the process
const launchReq = await sdkInstance.launch(publishReq.content.flows.id);

console.log(launchReq.content?.instanceId); // "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"


// Execute a process which sends an email with attachments and log the instance id.
const sdkInstance = new ProcesioSDK();

await sdkInstance.authorize('username', 'password');

.addEventListener("change", handleFileSelect, false);

function handleFileSelect(evt) {
const files = evt.target.files; // FileList object
const file = files[0];

// This method is an implementation that uses the methods used in the example above
const runReq = await sdkInstance.runProcess('xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx', {to: "[email protected]", subject: "Process launched via SDK", attachments: files})

console.log(runReq.content?.instanceId?.id); // "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"


📖 Documentation

Check out the procesio-sdk-typescript documentation site.

To run demo on your own computer

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